4 Simple Tips When Choosing The Best Display System For Your Store
Harry Gordon Selfridge, the retail magnate who founded the London-based department store ‘Selfridges’, revolutionized shopping by promoting the notion of “Shopping for pleasure rather than necessity.” Additionally, Selfridge once said:
Whenever I may be tempted to slack up and let the business run for a while on its own impetus, I picture my competitor sitting at a desk… thinking and thinking with the most devilish intensity and clearness, and I ask myself what I can do to be prepared for his next brilliant move.”
Selfridge understood that in order to stay competitive and successful throughout the years, a store needs to stay fresh, interesting and appealing.
Every store owner must create an environment that will attract and keep the attention of shoppers.
It was true in 1909 when ‘Selfridges’ opened to the public, and is even more relevant and true in today’s competitive retail environment.
That’s why now more than ever, it’s crucial to choose the best retail display system for your store.
But then comes the million dollar question: How?
How to choose the best display system that will accommodate your business needs and increase sales?
In order to help you answer that very question, here are 4 simple tips:
Retail Store Image (Am I a boutique store? )
Webster’s dictionary defines a ‘Boutique store’ as “a small fashionable store that sells stylish clothing or other usually expensive things”.
Are you the proud owner of a boutique store? If the answer is yes, you need to keep that in mind when choosing a new retail display system for your beautiful store.
If the answer is no, you also need to keep that in mind.
The image of your store is of utmost importance when it comes to choosing the right display solution/system for your store.
Whether you own a high-end boutique, a mid-range or a low-cost discount store, you need to make sure you design your in-store space accordingly. For example:
If you want to create an upscale environment for your clothing boutique, your clothing displays must be stylish and contribute to the atmosphere of your space as well as promote your merchandise.
Also when it comes to marketing your store, it’s all about defining your target customers: different targets have different needs. For example:
If your store is aiming for an older demographic, say high income 55 to 65 year old shoppers, you would want to consider using display solutions that will keep the merchandise at least three feet above the floor. Younger people will bend, but older people will not want to.
In-Store Traffic
In-store customer traffic, whether high or low is an important factor that needs to be taken under consideration when deciding upon the right display system for your store.
For example: High customer traffic in your store, will require designing your store space in a way that will make it easy for your customers to get around and keep browsing.
So you need to make sure you are using retail display systems that will allow that.
You also need to create an aisle space that is narrow enough to slow customers down to look, but wide enough to be comfortable, safe and also accessible for customers with disabilities and special needs.
Remember! An effective store layout directs your customers to where you want them to go, and can increase sales.
If you often change your in-store design, you need to take that into consideration and purchase some modular display units for your store.
That way you’re investing in a long term solution, and not just in a temporary design solution.
There are many different modular retail display solutions available out there, that can be moved around your store space, allowing you to redesign your store every once in a while, at minimum costs and effort. For example:
If you own a clothing store, and suddenly find yourself with less shirts and more jackets in stock, a modular display systems will allow you to easily replace shelves with hang rails (and vice versa).
Last but not least is the functionality factor. It’s important to know what works and what does not for different types of merchandise.
You might find an affordable, decorative display system that seems perfect for the theme you have in mind, but once assembled, you will find that the display system you purchased is completely wrong and is not compatible with the type of merchandise you are selling.
Imagine delicate, elegant glass shelves, hanging gracefully from the ceiling supported by nothing but stainless steel cables.
Beautiful right? Right. But that’s the wrong question.
What you should really be asking is: Are these beautiful suspended shelves compatible with the merchandise I’m selling in my store?
For example: if you sell heavy items, your display system will need to be able to withstand their weight. On the other hand, if you sell delicate fragile products you will need to make sure your display system will not move or fall over.
That’s why it is very important, to find an experienced store fixture supplier that will make sure the end result is effective for your specific type of store & merchandise that is being sold.
So now it’s time to get to work and transform your retail space into a friendly welcoming place by strategically choosing your in store display systems and finding the perfect display solutions for your business.
Contributed by Roy Rochberg the Content Manager for UDIZINE , a manufacturer of modern & practical store display systems. UDIZINE provides stylish yet affordable solutions, helping independent retailers achieve their unique & ideal store designs. For more information please visit UDIZINEstore.com.
Photo Credit: Provided by Udizine with permission to use.