How To Protect Retail Store Employees During Flu Season
Over the past year, employers have had a lot to consider when it comes to the health and well-being of their employees. Along with the annual flu season, there has also been a global pandemic to consider, with employers required to put steps in place to protect their employees from COVID-19 if they have been required to work throughout. For most businesses, the COVID-19 safety measures in place have also come in handy for protecting employees during the flu season. But with restrictions finally starting to lift as more and more people get the COVID-19 vaccine, here’s what employers can do during flu season to keep employees safe for another year.
Flu Vaccines
You should encourage all employees to get a seasonal flu vaccine in the fall. You may want to consider making this easier for employees by hosting a flu vaccine workshop at the workplace if possible, or providing employees with more resources on where they can get a flu vaccine nearby. The CDC recommends that everybody who is six months or older has a seasonal flu vaccine.
Safety Barriers
Consider keeping any safety barriers that you have put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Even when the pandemic is a thing of the past, plexiglass barriers from BarrierLab at areas like checkouts and reception desks can be a great way to prevent employees from becoming infected by customers who have the flu or even the common cold. They are easy to set up and do not have any impact on the level of communication between the employee and the customer.
Work from Home
Allowing employees to continue working from home wherever possible is an ideal way to reduce the spread of sickness in the office. If your employees are able to do their job from home, they may be willing to continue working even if they have some symptoms of the flu, as long as they are feeling well enough. By providing the option to work from home, you can maximize productivity in the workplace without compromising the health of your employees.
Sick Policies
Develop a sick day policy which ensures that employees are able to take time off when they are feeling unwell without any fear of repercussions from their employer. Too many employees will still come into work when they’re feeling unwell because they fear that taking a sick day is going to impact their career. Make it clear that sick employees are free to stay at home until their symptoms have subsided. Offering a generous sick pay policy can help to encourage this.
Encourage Hygiene
Finally, continue any hygiene steps that you have put in place in the workplace to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Extra hand sanitizer in the workplace and additional deep cleaning can also help to reduce the spread of flu and other sicknesses at work, keeping your employees healthy and productive.
Your employees are your business’s biggest asset, so looking after their health and well-being at any time, particularly flu season, is crucial for employers.