
Mobile Devices and Synced Technology Advance Retail Industry

Just in case you haven’t caught on, it’s the age of mobile everything. We’re constantly armed with smartphones and tablets and it’s the main way we consume anything. Which is why it’s not a surprise that these mobile devices along with synced technology have truly advanced the retail industry, making it easier for us to shop, eat and drink all the time, whenever we want.

How the Customer Shops

Fifteen years ago, if you did all your Christmas shopping online, people would think you’re pretty bold and probably wonder how you did it. And since the Galaxys and iPads of the world weren’t really in existence like they are today, you probably used a desktop computer to type in your credit card info and purchase the gift list items. Fast forward to 2014 and consumer-purchasing behavior has completely changed thanks to mobile devices and synced technology.

With multiple platforms, the opportunity to touch the consumer everywhere they go has grown. A business can send an enticing email in the morning so that a potential customer sees it while flipping through the iPhone during a morning commute. Then once that person gets on their laptop at work, they can further look around on the company’s website and come night time, he/she pulls the trigger and buys the product via tablet in bed before going to sleep.

To ensure that there’s a seamless transition when the shopper switches between devices, synced devices are crucial. To move along a smooth sales process, tech industry leader Samsung has been paving the way in synced device technology, spearheading a new way of life, a smart life, where personal and/or business information is stored, synced and accessible across multiple devices. This is perfect for retailers because it allows their customers to shop uninterrupted and buy as they please on whichever device is currently available.

The Backroom

Not only has the front end of the buying process improved greatly because of mobile devices, but also the “backroom,” as in inventory management and retail employees, has experienced major strides in inefficiencies. Synced devices have increased mobility and flexibility for workers who need to check inventory, stock shelves and shipping products. For instance, when a customer needs a different size while buying a shirt, an employee can simply whip out their tablet to see if there’s another size available in store or even at another store, rather than physically going to the back or to a stationary computer in order to find out. All the data is obtainable right at their fingertips allowing the retailer to provide excellent customer service, resulting in a happy shopper.

Consumer Experience

Tablets and smartphone integration has made overall consumer experience more interactive, engaging, easier and enjoyable. Implementation of tablets at concerts and sporting events allow guests to order food and drinks right from their seat, never having to leave the action. Smartphones users can now “check-in” to a hair salon on social media to unlock a deal – good for promoting the business and also saving the customer some money – it’s a win-win.

The old school desktop is not your only oracle these days. Mobile, synced devices have helped the retail industry progress enormously, playing a crucial role in providing quick, up-to-date, relevant information needed by both the customer and the retailer, thus producing better business and the ultimate consumer experience.


Contributed by Jessica Oaks, Follow Oaks at @techyjessy on Twitter. 


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