A RETAIL ROADMAP From skuIQ & Retail Minded Is Introduced to Help Retailers Navigate Retail Amidst COVID-19
Together with skuIQ, Retail Minded has introduced a RETAIL ROADMAP for retailers looking to gain clarity and actionable insight on how to move forward in their operations despite the challenges that COVID-19 has caused and will inevitably continue to throughout the year. As skuIQ’s CEO Kevin McKenzie explains, “retail is going to be forced to reinvent itself and we are here to help.”
Expanding on this, the RETAIL ROADMAP will provide action steps as well as expert insight to help retailers move forward with their immediate and longterm retail goals. Further supporting this, a variety of resources are provided to help them achieve this. And while retail has historically evolved over time, what merchants small and large alike are experiencing now is unlike anything they have ever experienced before. With these challenges come opportunities, however, and that is something that retailers can look forward to. To help retailers better understand these opportunities and ways to shift gears and adjust directions due to COVID-19, skuIQ and Retail Minded offer insight on:
- Customer Relationships
- Customer Communication
- Vendor Partnerships
- Inventory Management
- Solution Providers
- Employee Management
- Business Operations
- & More
The RETAIL ROADMAP was first revealed during the ACTION IN RETAIL virtual conference experience, where attendees had the chance to hear from skuIQ’s CEO Kevin McKenize and Retail Minded’s Founder Nicole Leinbach Reyhle during a candid discussion on how retailers can optimize their next steps in retail to boost store success. Additionally, they went over five of the ten action steps as part of this discussion. Retailers can hear this through August 21, 2020, by clicking here, as well as download the guide directly by clicking here.
Like any journey, it will take time and effort to meet new target destinations. Yet the RETAIL ROADMAP Is designed to help, even offering immediate action steps for retailers to apply to their businesses right away. Among the main points the RETAIL ROADMAP discusses includes the following 10 action steps that each provide ways retailers can review, react and redefine their businesses in response to COVID-19.
ACTION STEP #1: Review what your business was like prior to COVID-19.
ACTION STEP #2: Reconsider what your business now needs to be.
ACTION STEP #3: React to the new realities of retail.
ACTION STEP #4: Reimagine selling avenues.
ACTION STEP #5: Reidentify customer communication & connectivity.
ACTION STEP #6: Reconnect with industry partners, solution providers & more.
ACTION STEP #7: Realign with employees.
ACTION STEP #8: Reinvent your retail goals.
ACTION STEP #9: Repurpose your brick & mortar footprint.
ACTION STEP #10: Reward yourself on a job well done!
This FREE Retail Roadmap will help you kickstart your new journey of retail while helping you also gain control control by getting in the driver’s seat.
Let’s Go!
Explore the RETAIL ROADMAP from skuIQ and Retail Minded by clicking here now!