
Six Shelving Tips To Maximize Storage Space 

No matter how spacious your home is, there’ll always come a time where you fill it with clutter as you think that you needed that many stocks and items inside your household. With that, you may want to consider purchasing shelves so you could maximize your storage space. However, without proper organizational skills, your shelves would only be a new place to put your clutter on and not be able to help you arrange your items accordingly.  

If you’re planning to purchase or maximize your shelves at home, you need to have all of the best tips you could get so you could maximize every space possible. Moreover, listed below are the shelving tips you could benefit from to maximize your storage space:  

Purchase Wide Span Shelves 

If you’re planning to purchase shelves for your home, you might want to consider looking for wide span racks so that you could maximize the space you could have as much as possible. However, you need to be cautious about the size, especially if you don’t have much space in your household.  

With shelves, you can maximize the vertical space you have in your home, which is extra helpful, especially if you’re running out of available floor space.  

While there are plenty of good-looking shelves out there in the market, you need to ensure that you look for one that has wide shelves so you can truly maximize each space. Also, ensure that most of the things you’d like to put in would fit perfectly so the shelves can truly serve their purpose.  

Always Declutter 

You can maximize your storage space by throwing the old ones away and making room for new ones in your storage area. While you may want to keep most of your old things on your shelves, if you haven’t really used them in the past few years, it’s time to throw them out.  

When decluttering, always try to discard what you haven’t used in the last two years. In this way, you can properly filter the essential things you need in your home.  

Before throwing out any stuff you have in your home, you might want to consider recycling them to enable a green initiative instead of bringing them into the landfill to rot.  

Use Hooks To Hang Mugs 

Mugs are usually space-consuming, especially if you’re a fan of larger cups. If you don’t have much storage space in your household to place them, you might want to maximize the room on the higher part of each shelf by installing hooks that allow you to hang your mugs.  

By adding hooks, you can maximize every space you have on your shelf while allowing easy access to your mugs. In this way, you can easily grab a cup even at the farthest part of your shelves without worrying about bumping into other things.  

Purchase A Cutlery Tray  

For your utensils, it might be tempting to store them all together in a single jar for proper holding. However, while it may do the job, you can optimize it more by using a cutlery tray wherein you can properly store and organize every utensil you have in your drawers. In this way, you no longer need to expose them into the air of your kitchen when you can easily hide them under your counter drawers.  

Ideally, you should look for a cutlery tray that can accommodate most sizes and utensils you have. You need to ensure that you have enough space for your spoon, fork, knife, teaspoon, and chopsticks. With proper organization, you no longer need to go through a pile of utensils when you can quickly see and grab them whenever you need to.  

Use Stacking Containers  

While it may be a lot easier to use the container the product comes with, it would be helpful if you could transfer them into stackable containers so you can allow for more accessible storage inside your shelves. In this way, you can quickly load the containers together, maximizing the space you have on your shelves.  

Moreover, you can add labels to each container for easy identification. It would help if you could include the expiry dates to ensure that they’re still in good condition to use for your family.  

Add Dividers And Risers 

To maximize your shelf space, you should take advantage of the horizontal and vertical space inside. For example, you might want to consider purchasing dividers for your baking sheets, pans, and lids in which you store them vertically. In this way, you can maximize each space and allow for easier access rather than stacking them all together.  

Since stacking things together may be difficult for you to grab the things you need, you might benefit from using risers to separate different things and stack together alike things. In this way, you can ensure that you’re able to maximize every space inside your shelf.


Having plenty of stuff in your home can both bring advantages and disadvantages into your home. While you can always have everything you need straight from your shelves, it can look messy and chaotic without proper organization.  

With proper shelving tips, you can maximize your storage space, make the most out of every area, and make room for more important things.

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