In an industry of “fast fashion” chains, Arcadia has managed to keep things fresh and interesting since opening it’s doors in September 2007. Ali McCloud, the owner, always dreamed of having her own independent boutique and saw the need for eco-friendly fashion in the Philadelphia market. Arcadia focuses on grassroots marketing strategies to keep active in the neighborhood while working with other local businesses. Arcadia has a wide range of customers that all are united by their love for the arts and emerging designers. With a vintage feel and new products coming in from flea markets and arts and craft shows, Arcadia has found it’s niche as a one-of-a-kind eco-friendly boutique in Philadelphia.
Store Location
819 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA
Price Point
$20-$300 (Huge variety)
Clothes, Accessories, Shoes, Denim, and Artwork
Ali McCloud, Owner
Retail Minded has partnered with leading, international fashion and retail service business Nolcha for a new section on the Retail Minded Blog, “Retailer Spotlight”, introduced in January 2010.
The Retailer Spotlight showcases independent retailers who stand out in the marketplace for a variety of reasons, including product assortment, store merchandising and their participation within their respective communities. There are many leading boutiques in the marketplace, but with the help of Nolcha, Retail Minded is choosing the select few that stand out amongst the rest to showcase. Make sure to check back with Retail Minded each week to learn about a new, leading boutique in the marketplace. Learn more about Nolcha by visiting