
Use Your Email Signature To Gain Sales

How many emails do you send out a day? If you are like most working folks nowadays, your email “sent item” folder could be tracking over a  hundred emails sent daily. That is a lot of communication taking place! The question is… are you using this communication as effectively as you can?

At the bottom of every email, you have the opportunity to share your name, contact details and… what else? For some, they stop there. For others, they use this as a place to brag about recent awards, noteworthy happenings or even share a favorite quote. For everyone, however, the chance to “sell” also sits in this space.

Take my email signature, for example. As the Editor of Retail Minded Magazine, the co-founder of an annual retail conference and a supporter of a variety of retail focused businesses, I like to share up to three “shout outs” of things to share with my email readers. Sure, many of my readers will already know these things and ignore them entirely. But often, I am communicating with new businesses and retailers that may not know everything there is to know about Retail Minded.

Currently, my email signature “extras” – listed in bold after my name and contact details – are:

JOIN Retail Minded at the Independent Retailer Conference May 20, 2013!

With an ever changing schedule and so much to share, I try and change these at least monthly. And for some folks, it may even make sense to include a picture in their email signature. The real goal, however, should be not to waste this valuable space in communicating more about your brand or store.

So I ask you… what does your email signature say? It it doesn’t tell your audience more than your name, title, company and contact details, then it simply isn’t saying enough.


  • Darrell Cole
    March 10, 2013

    True That Nichole! I’ll just put it out there…

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