From the Editor: Working Hard or Hardly Working?
It’s been awhile since I have written an editor’s note here on RetailMinded.com, but rest assured… it’s not for lack of wanting to! In fact, I have written quite a few that somehow just never got finished. I suppose in some ways that is a good thing, as it clearly identifies what this summer has been for me… BUSY. But busy, in my world at least, is good. You see, I’m the type of person who gets up in the AM and doesn’t “stop” until my head hits the pillow 17 hours or so later. Between my two preschool aged kiddos, my 100 pound dog begging for a walk all day and work (and some play), there really isn’t ever time to take much of a break. Luckily, I’m okay with that. It did get me to thinking, though…
Am I working hard or hardly working?
Days come and go, and I never really feel like I have a job. I’m fortunate to love what I do and the people I work with. As a result, I rarely ever feel like I’m truly “working”.
This said, if you ask my kids where Mommy is, they’ll say “working”.
If you ask my husband what I am doing on a random Wednesday evening, he’ll tell you “working”.
If you ask my best friend why I can’t go to lunch in the middle of a weekday afternoon, she’ll tell you why… because I’m “working”.
In other words, I’m always working. Yet funny enough, I never feel like I am.
The great thing about working in the business of retail is that I get to “work” in nearly everything I do. If I visit a local grocer, I’m “working” because I am constantly studying how consumers interact, the way customers react to signage, if customer service is delivered effectively or not… etc, etc. Even a visit to the bank, vet, ballpark or any other destination that offers consumer interaction provokes my “working” brain to be turned on. Which makes me curious… am I alone here or is this how you feel, too?
As retailers, I can’t help but think everything YOU do as a customer would also provoke your “working” brain to be turned on. Let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email. As always, I love to hear from you! And of course, tell me what you’re thinking! I always love to know!
Here’s wishing you a beautiful Fall with lots of sales… and wishing me a lot less time in between now and my next editor’s letter!
Nicole Leinbach Reyhle Founder & Editorial Director Retail Minded Magazine
PS – Speaking of working hard… retail experts Kizer & Bender, Cathy Wagner and I have been working hard together lately! Here we are chatting “retail” recently in Geneva, IL at the super cute bakery, The Sugar Path. We’ll be sharing details soon on just what we’ve been working hard on. Stay tuned!
Shari Ralish
Boy do I feel the same way!
I went to OaktoberFest in Oak Park (quite by accident) and noticed how the streets were packed but yet so many stores were closed at 7-8pm. The local bookstore was packed! One place had a ‘no public restrooms’ on the door and I thought about the many customers we open our restroom to during festivals in Geneva, especially those with little kids. My 6 year old was with me and seemed to need the bathroom on the train coming and going.
I looked at it through a customer’s eyes instead of a shop owner for the first time in quite a while.