Where to Find Sales Reps
Ready to grow your business? A sales rep may be just who you need to get you to that next level, or levels. If you have made the decision a rep is right for you, then the next question will be what kind of rep? There are two basic types – a road rep and a showroom rep. Essentially the difference is the road rep is on the go, typically works for themselves as an independent contractor and has no official “office”. Their office will likely consist of many trade shows and the backrooms of retailers throughout their territories… and a million or so coffee houses in between. As for a showroom rep, they typically work for a management company or one person who owns the showroom. Their office is their showroom, so with only some exceptions you can always know there to find them. They will likely attend trade shows outside of their own showroom, but not as often. Then again – no rep is the same so don’t expect any rep to meet these exact descriptions.
[tweetmeme]Now that you know the difference between the types of reps there are, the next question is where do you find them. Two reliable websites to help you in your search are:
Additionally, you can often find showrooms that have availability by visiting showroom websites. You will also be able to learn more about each showroom and what their other product lines are here. Depending on the territory you need, there are plenty of showrooms to learn about. A few general market / showroom websites to help you in your search are:
1. Dallas – www.dallasmarketcenter.com
2. Atlanta – www.americasmart.com
3. Los Angeles – www.californiamarketcenter.com
4. New York – www.7wnewyork.com
5. Chicago – www.mmart.com
Please note that there are MANY more showrooms and each will vary according to your specific product category. Research, research, research will always be your friend in this process, though time consuming. Don’t overlook this step, though. Consider what you want from your relationship with your rep, how they work with their clients, who their clients are and what your long term goals are. Though many steps still follow this process, it’s an exciting journey to begin!