Wholesale Equal No-Sales
Cute play on words, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t so cute. Small wholesalers everywhere are struggling to make sales. Store owners are leaning on trusted brand names and taking less risk by introducing new items – hence smaller wholesalers – to their stores. And I don’t like it. Not one bit.
I am all about controlling inventory and watching where you spend your dollars, but let’s look at the big picture here.
1. We can’t control what all stores buy – but you can control what your store buys.
2. Larger retailers are still buying brand name products, so offering something different to your customers is a good thing.
3. Most consumers are more likely to spend money that brings them value versus just a brand name product.
4. Supporting small wholesalers keeps jobs alive and communities thriving.
5. You want people to support your small business so why not support others?
On top of all these very valid reasons, there are some amazing products available to retailers that are not big brand names. A few – and I have so many so this was hard – of my favorites are listed below.
Brynn Capella – Handbags and Accessories www.brynncapella.com
Chulette – Women’s Designer Apparel www.chulette.com
Lee Allison – Men’s Neckties www.leeallison.com
My Perennial – Home Accessories & More www.myperennial.com
Baby Capes – Baby and Toddler Outerwear www.babycapesonline.com
Little In The Middle – Women’s Denim www.littleinthemiddle.com
Have your own favorites? Let us know! Make sure to check out Retail Minded’s IN THE SPOTLIGHT each week to learn about other products available at wholesale that may be right for you! And finally – please, please, please consider supporting small wholesalers in your retail store if you aren’t already! Already do? Add more next time you have some dollars to spend!
Finally, I get it that you may want a mix of brand names and small wholesalers in your store. And I am fine with that. But I just want to encourage that stores take the time to learn more about the great new products that are constantly being introduced to the market! There are so many fabulous wholesalers out there that deserve some shelve space at retail stores!
Maria H
Great article! Goes hand in hand with the 3/50 Project!
Brava! As a newish boutique (one year anniversary coming up late June) with a history in showing and selling contemporary American craft and art in our other stores, bringing in independent designers (especially those producing in the USA) is a logical offshoot. We’re all about the unique and the added value – and small wholesalers can offer all that and more! Thanks for the great post.
Remember – when you can, buy American. It’s super important especially now, with the struggling economy. Customers really appreciate it, too!
Sarah Botchick
I am not in your industry, but as a small wholesaler, I just want to thank you SO much for this insightful article!
Excellent article. Thank you for building a solid, logical and economically viable foundation for emerging brands.
Ted Hurlbut
It’s critical for small retailers to establish their identity in a carefully defined niche – which precludes being “me-too” to larger retailers. Developing unique assortments is an essential part of developing that identity. Thanks Nicole.