Getting Rid Of The Bling
The good old days of multiple items per purchase and hefty commission checks for your associates are over. Consumers today are embracing the reality of their paychecks, or lack of them, and spending accordingly. To help let your customers know you are on board with them, eliminate the bling from your customer outreach. It’s time to get rid of the fancy and embrace simplicity. Consumers are and so should you.
With the economy still in an undesirable place and consumers still on guard about where and why they should spend their money, retailers and wholesalers both need to communicate in a style that customers today can relate to. Instead of offering all leather handbags, for example, offer some great fabric designed totes that are more affordable and just as stylish. Rather than suggest multiple layers for your spring look, suggest a single item dress as your trusted spring wardrobe staple. Embrace the simplicity that customers today are craving and respond to their needs. The goal, of course, is for you to not sell less but to sell smarter and to sell more as a result.
Let your customers know you are thinking about them in these tough times, as well. Sell your simple strategies by talking to your customers about how they will save from what you are offering them. Listen to their feedback, as well, and support them if you can. More than ever customers need to believe that retailers are on their side, so make sure your customers know this. As a result, you should find out they are on your side, as well. Don’t forget to know what your competition is up to, also, so you can stay one step ahead!
What are you doing to gain customer attention these days? We’d love to hear from you!
Angie K.
I like the idea of selling simplicity. It makes sense in today’s world! I’m going to tell my associates about this. Thanks.
This was very helpful. That is the direction I’m going in, so it’s nice to know I’m on it and am excited about the designs and products I will be able to offer consumers in the upcoming months!