3 Tips to Avoid the Retail Holiday Blues
Working retail can be exciting and engaging… but let’s not forget exhausting. Unlike some desk jobs, you can’t really tune out and ignore the world around you. Instead, you must be “on” all the time. And “on” during the holidays can be extra challenging since it typically means extra hours – and we aren’t even referring to those extra personal hours in your own life (holiday parties, kid school recitals, family commitments… you know what we are talking about). In order to avoid the retail winter blues, consider the following:
1. Your holiday cheer brings happiness to your customers. In other words, keep smiling despite sore feet, long hours, cranky customers, a messy store and anything else that may bring you down. Smile, smile, smile. This time of year, customers expect an “experience” while they shop more than any other time of year, so deliver just that. Be positive, upbeat and – dare we say – festive.
2. Many people browse stores just to enjoy them, not to buy. Sadly, this is and will likely always be a popular habit among shoppers. But it doesn’t have to be viewed as sad – or as one retailer Retail Minded recently worked with said – “worthless”. If a customer or two or ten visit your store simply to stroll through it and browse, don’t feel like this is a waste. Keep that smile and retail cheer turned on, because their browsing may not translate to money spent during their current visit… but it can certainly translate to future visits, future sales and most definitely future conversations about your store to their friends and family. If you welcome these browsers and gracefully accept them into your store, you will enjoy their visits more – which is certainly better than turning into a Scrooge.
3. Your long hours will be well rewarded with rest in the months ahead. If you feel overwhelmed by all the little things you can’t keep up with, don’t fret too much. January often brings slower foot traffic and is a great time to get all those “little things” done. Now let’s not be fooled – no real thing is ever “little” in retail. Merchandising, buying, managing, planning, tweeting, posting… it all counts. Prioritize what’s absolutely a must through these busy retail weeks, then push out the rest to January. Trust us – your store will thank you and so will your customers. It will open up that extra TLC time they expect and you deserve to give to them.
Finally, since we are big believers that retail is more than just a job – it’s a lifestyle – try and find harmony with your personal life this busy holiday season, as well. If hiring a temporary worker to help you so you can attend a family function wasn’t on your agenda, maybe consider how this could help bring more cheer into your own holiday season versus your customers. Finding balance between work and home is never easy – but the holidays aren’t a time to neglect either. As much as the sound of “cha-ching, cha-ching” is nice, so is spending time with those who you truly love. The spirit of the season when spent with both your retail family and your personal family is sure to help you avoid burning out this holiday season… so what are you waiting for? It’s time to check your calendar twice and be sure you are planning time for work, family and even a little fun.
Want more holiday support to get you through the season? Read one of Retail Minded’s most popular holiday articles: 5 Tips To Better Support Holiday Shoppers.
Photo Credit: The Christmas Attic in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia