5 Wishes From Retailers This Holiday Season
Customer’s may have long lists for shopping, but let’s not forget the lists that retailers are making. Retail Minded’s Founder Nicole Leinbach Reyhle recently met with a variety of retailers, all of whom shared their wishes for this holiday season.
A Retailer’s Wish List:
5 Top “Wishes” This Holiday Season
1. Dependable Staff. From opening the doors on time to closing the shop up – after cleaning, merchandising, counting dollars, doing inventory and other necessities are completed correctly – there is a lot to count on from employees. Throw in some holiday help and your store is likely filled with many hands in the pot, so to speak. From the retailers Reyhle spoke to, trusting their employees to do a great job in store operations as well as store sales is one of their top wishes this holiday season.
2. Sell-Out Products. Most retailers have their bets on select items during the holiday season to be their best sellers. As a result, this is where they have invested much of their buying dollars and this is also a category they want to sell, sell, sell. A bad buy that is a bad BIG buy can crush an indie retailer during the holidays, so it’s no surprise this wish takes our #2 spot on our Retailer’s Wish List.
3. Steady Traffic. Saturday and Sunday may be busy, but what about Monday through Friday? Retailers have worked hard to make this holiday season a great one for customers and themselves alike, so hoping for steady traffic is a fair wish. Some retailers are leaning on their communities to help get customers on their streets, while others are working more aggressively to keeping their stores busy 7 days a week.
4. Healthy Bodies. ‘Tis the season to shop, but it’s also the season to get sick. Retailers don’t have countless people to call on when an employee calls in sick – so hoping for healthy staff and staying healthy themselves is a top wish from retailers. Reyhle found some retailers even go as far as planning their flu shots to line up with the holidays, while others take Vitamin C packs daily during this hectic time of year.
5. Strong Sales. No wish list would be complete without the wish of having a great sales season. Factoring in seasonal goods, stand-out products, everyday items and all other inventory, the biggest wish most retailers are hoping for is strong sales.
Have a holiday wish you didn’t see on our list? Let us know!
Alysonn Angelo
These are all on my wish list! Plus I want to beat my last year’s numbers… which means I need to sell 3K more this December than last December! Hopeful!
I think people gonna place a camp at stores in the night before Christmas if they get to know that the prices are down as they were on Black Friday ! 🙂