8 Tips To Drive Repeat Business As A Retailer
With the retail eCommerce domain growing increasingly competitive, businesses have realized that the costs of acquiring
Promo Codes and Why They’re So Popular
One of the promotional tools that are becoming a hit among shoppers is promo and discount
Should You Open Your Business Up to Memberships?
Photo Credit: "re:publica15" (CC BY 2.0) by Helge Thomas Over the years, thousands of businesses have achieved great success by
3 Ways To Make Your Promotions More Interesting
Contributed by Francesca Nicasio, Content Marketing Manager for Vend Point of Sale. If you’re like most
What Data Is Captured By POS Software? Can It Be Used To Improve Business?
Point of sale (POS) software is basically the software used by brick and mortar shops when
Four Ways To Put The Customer First And Build A Good Reputation
Fast-paced commoditization of merchant sectors like consumer electronics, household goods, and travel essentials – once dominated
How Retailers Can Cash In On New Commerce
Contributed by Rebecca Kennedy Cash and coins may not yet be a thing of the past, but
Ways Independent Retailers Can Create An Awesome Customer Experience
For independent retailers, an awesome product doesn't necessarily guarantee success. You have to make your location
The Road to Marketing: Physical Signage, Printed Materials & More
As a small business owner, you know all too well how valuable marketing is. Yet too
Inexpensive Marketing Channels Small Businesses Should Leverage
Contributed by Jennifer Pollock of Square. Marketing through traditional channels like TV, print, and radio can be tough